Liberia National Olympic Committee
President: Mr. Philipbert Browne
Secretary General: Mr. Frederick Pratt
International Representative: Kouty Mawenh
P.O. Box 6242, 1000 Monrovia, Liberia
Phone: +231 886 515 538 Email: Liberianoc59@yahoo.com
The Ancient Olympic Games started about 3,000 years ago in Greece — 776 BC to be exact. They were dedicated to the Greek god Zeus and took place in the same place every four years. The traditional summer Games that we know today, started in 1896 in Athens. Now, the entire world comes together to celebrate unity, peace, athleticism and sportsmanship.

Liberia National Paralympic Committee
President: Mr. Jefferson Zoegbeh
Contact: Kouty Mawenh
Buchanan and Front Streets, 1000 Monrovia, Liberia
Phone:+231 77028513 Fax:+231 227838 Email: liberianpc2017@gmail.com
Even better, the Paralympics that we know today, started in 1948 as a sporting event for British World War II veterans. It was known as the International Wheelchair Games and coincided with the 1948 London Summer Games. In 1960, the first official Paralympic Summer Games started alongside the Rome Summer Olympics and allowed non-veterans to participate. By 1976, athletes with various disabilities were allowed to compete.
Visit the official Olympic site to learn more about past and future games. Visit the official Paralympic site to learn more about the Paralympics.